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Sketchpad - Draw, Create, Share!
Sketchpad: Free online drawing application for all ages. Create digital artwork to share online and export to popular image formats JPEG, PNG, SVG, and PDF.

Sketchpad 5.1 - Draw, Create, Share!
Sketchpad: Free online drawing application for all ages. Create digital artwork to share online and export to popular image formats JPEG, PNG, SVG, and PDF.

Sketch.IO - The Maker of Sketchpad
Easily draw, edit photos, or design your next business card. Craft images for social media posts, digital ads, paper, or even apparel. Make a quick photo edit with the drag and drop feature, or lose yourself for hours in Sketchpad’s streamlined digital makerspace.

Draw, Create, Share! - Sketchpad
Sketchpad: Free online drawing application for all ages. Create digital artwork to share online and export to popular image formats JPEG, PNG, SVG, and PDF.

Sketch Mobile—Multi-touch drawing in HTML5.
Draw a “circle” to clear the canvas. Draw the letter “s” to take a shortcut to the style chooser. While holding the button, tap the screen with different finger combinations to access tool presets that have been setup in the Tool builder, e.g. 1-finger tap = red soft paintbrush; 2-finger tap = blue star shape; 3-finger tap = large ...

Sketchpad App – Sketch.IO
Easily draw, edit photos, or design your next business card. Craft images for social media posts, digital ads, paper, or even apparel. Make a quick photo edit with the drag and drop feature, or lose yourself for hours in Sketchpad’s streamlined digital makerspace.

Education Solutions with Sketchpad | Sketch.IO
Use with Google Classroom. Create lesson plans for students using Google Classroom and link directly to Sketchpad for a drawing tool. Artwork saves automatically to student’s Google Drive account and images can be exported and submitted to your Google Classroom lesson.

Sketchpad Premium – Sketch.IO
Easily draw, edit photos, or design your next business card. Craft images for social media posts, digital ads, paper, or even apparel. Make a quick photo edit with the drag and drop feature, or lose yourself for hours in Sketchpad’s streamlined digital makerspace.

Sketchpad News | Updates, tutorials, and more!
Easily draw, edit photos, or design your next business card. Craft images for social media posts, digital ads, paper, or even apparel. Make a quick photo edit with the drag and drop feature, or lose yourself for hours in Sketchpad’s streamlined digital makerspace.

Frequently Asked Questions - Sketch.IO
What is Sketchpad? Sketchpad is a web-based drawing and design tool that is accessible and loved by children, students, artists and others interested in designing their work.

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